Pieter Mooij
"A beautiful book with great photos and stories."
Linda de Waard
"Received Frank Peters' book today. Very happy!
Signed and with personal message too."
Irma Hengstmengel
"Waking up, running down the stairs in pajamas, Greek yogurt, coffee pure, 'The Story of my Light' within my reach: good morning!"
Cees den Bakker
"It is a very beautiful book. Absolutely recommended. Stunning pictures of Dordrecht, but especially internationally. A great collection of Frank's work."
About the Book
In this book I take you on a journey, by telling the stories behind my photos (texts in English and Dutch). These are reflections that dig deeper and tell more about the images than just the location and the realization of the photo. The book is about my fascination for desolate landscapes and dynamic skylines, but I also ask questions, I doubt myself and hope to make you smile sometimes.
It is about my adventures in the mountains, about the northern lights, disappointments, a failed love, sometimes philosophically, sometimes with a wink, but also poetic-tinted texts about the most beautiful light, inspiring art and my love for photography. In short, stories that belong to the colorful photos I made during different journeys in Europe, the US and the Netherlands.